Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Poetry, Logan and family

Logan is such a cutie.  Once he figured out that he was my
little model and he could help me make the decisions he was
on a roll.  I had a lot of fun with him.

He's so proud that he's five now. 

Irresistible cuteness!

Siblings!  He loves his big sister!

Morgan was fun to shoot as well.  I think at first
she was unsure as to how to be but I asked her to just
be herself and act natural.  She had fun especially with her
little brother.

I love this picture!  He was being awnry with his
mama but this turned out pretty well.

I love this smile of Poetry.  So natural and refreshing. 
Logan was so funny as he was still trying to pose. 

One of my favorites of Morgan.  She's a natural!

Logan found the farm cat.  He was so in love.  I just
had to include one with the cat especially after
his request.  Not sure if mommy was thrilled but it
made pictures go smooth.  Turned out cute!

Such a model!  Look at that face.  He's just so cute
you want to squeeze him.
I had fun taking pictures of everyone.  Maybe next time they'll let me take a family picture with everyone together.  Morgan gave me some ideas with teenagers which was really nice.  I'm used to photographing small children so this was a great experience.  I think they'll all turned out beautiful.  Thank you again for allowing me to be part of your family Poetry!